The ANC is particularly interested in developing academic studies on the following subjects:
- Taxes
- Accounting impacts of digital activities
- Implementation study of IFRS 16
- Methodology for impact studies
- Neutrality in accounting
- Impact investing
A call for academic projects was launched in Spring 2019. The selection committee met in July and have selected 5 projects.
- Study on implementation of IFRS 16 – research team co-led by Eric Tort and François Lantin (available only in French)
- Study on implementation of IFRS 16 – research team led by Mohamed Hamadi
- Towards a new understanding of the concept of neutrality in accounting: necessary thoughts for the development of dialogical accounting – research team led by Marie-Anne Verdier
- Literature review on concept of neutrality in accounting – research team led by Grégory Heem (available only in French)
- Measurement and definition of the extra-financial impacts of investments : feedback on Impact Investing’s theories and practices and potential benefits from accounting – research team led by Alexandre Rambaud