The College of the ANC has identified priority topics on which it wished to encourage research work and launched a call for projects on the following themes :
- Crypto assets
- Connectivity of sustainability and financial statements
- Digitalization of financial statements and/or sustainable reporting
- Transparency of financial statements of not-for profit organisations
- Accounting and ecological transition
- Artificial intelligence and accounting
- Cash flow statements
A call for academic projects was launched in Spring 2023. The selection committee met in September and have selected 4 projects.
Seclected projets in 2023
- Financial accounting for cryptoassets : A multi-perspective analysis and recommendation – research team led by Erica Pimentel de Queen’s University Canada
- Taxonomy disclosure and sustainable finance – research team led by Sophie Spring de l’Université de Montpellier
- From CSR to measuring sustainability : metrics for the value chain – research team led by Nathalie Hababou de l’IAE de Créteil
- Accounting and artificial intelligence – research team led by Mohamed Hamadi de l’Université de Caen Normandie