Toutes actualites EN normes françaises


PUBLIC CONSULTATION – Draft regulation on the accounting of sales revenue

28 juin 2024

ANC board is seeking the views of all stakeholders on its draft regulation on the accounting of the revenue from sales of goods and services.

The draft regulation submitted for consultation covers:

  • a more comprehensive definition of turn over,
  • provisions on the accouting of sales revenue  (except long term contracts)
  • long term contracts  (replication of the existing provisions)
  • transactions on behalf of third parties (update of the existing provision) 
  • the corresponding adjustments to the income statement model, the chart of accounts and the notes to the financial statements.

Replies to the consultation questions are expected by October 31, 2024 at the latest at the following address :

Appendix1 to the consultation: draft regulation
Appendix2 to the consultation: examples (multiple sales)

Regulation n° 2024-01

06 mai 2024

Regulation n° 2024-01 of 5 April 2024 amending the  regulation n° 2021-09 relating to the financial statements of real estate investment mutual funds
ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2024-01 of 5 April 2024 amending the  regulation n° 2021-09 of 5 November 2021 relating to the financial statements of real estate investment mutual funds.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n°2023-08

23 novembre 2023

ANC’s Board adopted on 22 November 2023 Regulation n° 2023-08 amending ANC Regulation n° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts in order to take account to take account of the reform of the law on mergers and similar operations.
Regulation (homologation procedure underway)
Regulation n° 2014-03 (extract with related commentaries) amended

Regulation n°2023-07

23 novembre 2023

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2023-07 of 10 November 2023 amending ANC Regulation n° 2019-03 on approved organisations for the funding of the vocational training.
Regulation (homologation procedure underway)
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2023-06

23 novembre 2023

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2023-06 of 10 November 2023 amending ANC Regulation n° 2021-01 relating to the annual accounts of agricultural cooperatives and their unions. This regulation will enter into force on 1 January 2025 with a possible earlier commencement.
ANC’s Board also adopted on 10 November 2023 commentaries about Regulation n° 2021-01 on the regulated reserve to support cooperative members in case of agricultural hazards (« provision pour engagement de soutien des coopérateurs face aux aléas agricoles »).
Regulation (homologation procedure underway)
Regulation n°2021-01 (and related commentaries) amended

Regulation n°2023-05

23 novembre 2023

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2023-05 of 10 November 2023 amending ANC Regulation n° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation deals with IT solutions.
Regulation (homologation procedure underway)
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n°2023-04

23 novembre 2023

ANC’s Board adopted on 8 November 2023 Regulation n° 2023-04 amending ANC Regulation n° 2015-11 relating to the annual financial statements of insurance entities in order to mainly set the accounting treatment of ring-fenced fund regarding  retirement savings plan called « plan d’épargne retraite » (PER).
Regulation (homologation procedure underway)
Regulation and related commentaries

PUBLIC CONSULTATION – Draft regulation about the distinction between debts and other equity (« autres fons propres »).

21 novembre 2023

ANC board is seeking the views of all stakeholders on its draft regulation on the distinction between debt and other equity (« autres fonds propres »).

The draft regulation submitted for consultation aims to:
affirm the status of "other equity" (« autres fonds propres »).as a separate item on the balance sheet;
define this heading througg its components (non-refundable funds, conditional advances and grantor rights) and
provide a definition of non-reimbursable funds and conditional advances.

These provisions apply indifferently to both individual accounts and consolidated accounts drawn up in accordance with French standards for groups other than those in the insurance or banking sectors.
For consistency of the liabilities on the balance sheet in the two sets of accounts, amendmets are made for consolidated  equity.
Replies to the 6 consultation questions are expected  by March 31, 2024 at the latest.
Appendix to the consultation: draft regulation


Regulation N° 2023-03

06 septembre 2023

Regulation N° 2023-03 amending various ANC regulations in accordance with ANC Regulation N° 2022-06 of 22 november 2022 modernising the financial statements.

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2023-03 of 7 July 2023 updating various ANC regulations in accordance with the changes of general accounting plan by ANC Regulation N° 2022-06 of 22 november 2022 modernising the financial statements.
Regulation (homologation procedure on course)

Regulation N° 2023-02

10 juillet 2023

Regulation N° 2023-02 amending ANC Regulation n° 2020-01 of 6 March 2020 relating to the consolidated accounts
On 7th July 2023, ANC Board adopted Regulation N° 2023-05 amending ANC Regulation n° 2020-01 relating to the consolidated accounts about the accounting treatment of the global minimum tax related to OECD GloBE model rules (exception to the recognition of related deferred tax assets and liabilities ; information required in the notes to the consolidated accounts)
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2023-01

15 mai 2023

Regulation N° 2023-01 amending ANC Regulation n° 2018-06  of 5 December 2018 relating to the annual accounts of private-law non-for-profit entities

On 12 May 2023, ANC Board adopted Regulation N° 2023-01 amending ANC Regulation n° 2018-06  of 5 December 2018 relating to the annual accounts of private-law non-for-profit entities (homologation procedure on course)

This new regulation extends the provisions inserted by ANC Regulation n° 2022-04  to the religious non-for-profit entities regulated by the article 79-X of the local civil code  applicable in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle.

For those entities, the provisions will apply to accounting years beginning on or after 1 January 2024.
In case of comments on the application of those provisions resulting from Law No. 2021-1109 of 24 August 2021 reinforcing compliance with the principles of the Republic, you can send them via the email address of the ANC : Contact Us.

Regulation N° 2022-05

11 octobre 2022

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2022-05 of 7 Octobre 2022 amending ANC Regulation N° 2015-04 related to the annual accounts of social housing entities
Regulation and related commentaries

Underlying principles of the elaboration of the French accounting standards by ANC (annual accounts and consolidated accounts)

12 septembre 2022

This document sets out the objectives given to the annual accounts and the principles that ANC (Autorité des normes comptables, the French accounting standard-setter) takes into account when standardising.

This internal ANC document aims to guide accounting standardisation work. It is not intended to be a framework for the application of accounting rules for preparers and users of accounts.

Nevertheless, with a view to transparency and education, the ANC Board has decided to make this internal document public in order to make known all the objectives and principles that guide ANC, as an accounting standard setter, in developping its accounting regulations.
This document is likely to evolve, be supplemented and/or modified, according to feedbacks on its application and to standardisation work progresses
To access the document, click here

Regulation N° 2022-04

27 juillet 2022

Regulation N° 2022-04 of 30 June 2022 amending the ANC Regulation N° 2018-06 of 5 December 2018 relating to the annual financial statements of private-law non-for-profit entities.
ANC’s Board introduces in Regulation n° 2018-06 new provisions following the accounting obligations set out in articles 21, 22, 73 and 75 of the Law n° 2021-1109 of 24 August 2021 and the related implementing decrees. 
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2022-03

08 juin 2022

On 3 June 2022 ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2022-03 amending Regulation N° 2020-07 of 4 December 2020 relating to the financial statements of mutual funds
Regulation 2022-03
Regulation 2020-07 and related commentaries modified by Regulation 2022-03

Recommendation N° 2022-02 (consolidated accounts)

20 mai 2022

Recommendation N° 2022-02 on first application of Regulation ANC No. 2020-01 regarding consolidated accounts established in accordance with French accounting standards

Regulation n° 2021-09 relating to the financial statements of real estate investment mutual funds

08 novembre 2021

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2021-09 of 5 November 2021 relating to the financial statements of real estate investment mutual funds.
Regulation and related commentaries

ANC’s Board adopted three regulations relating to social and economic committees. These regulations replace and repeal the regulations relating to works councils (Regulations n° 2015-01, n° 2015-02 and n° 2015-10)

27 octobre 2021

  • Regulation n° 2021-05 relating to annual accounts of social and economic committees governed by article L. 2315-64 of the Labour Code. This regulation replaces and repeals ANC Regulation n° 2015-01.
    Regulation and related commentaries
  • Regulation n° 2021-06 relating to the accounting documents of social and economic committees governed by article L. 2315-65 of the Labour Code (simplified accounting obligations). This regulation replaces and repeals ANC Regulation n° 2015-02.
    Regulation and related commentaries

ANC updated the three regulations relating to works councils to adapt them to the legal and regulatory environment of social and economic committees.
This update concerns :
- the changes resulting from the Labour Code relating to social and economic committees (which replaced works councils),
- the changes in the accounting regulations to which they are currently attached.
As a result, new regulations relating to social and economic committees do not include any significant changes compared to regulations relating to works councils.

Regulation n° 2021-04

12 juillet 2021

Regulation N° 2021-04 of 2 July 2021 amending the CRC regulation N° 2009-07 of 3 December 2009 relating to the conversion of a company into a workers cooperative called SCOP.

COVID-19 : ANC updates its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020

09 juillet 2021

ANC updates its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020. The changes consist in :
-    A new question H8 about participatory loans with State support,
-    An update of question J2 (solidarity fund),
-    A new question J7 about exemption and aid for payment of social contributions
-    A new question J8 about fixed costs aid
- Detailed document
- Summary

ANC updates its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020

07 juin 2021

ANC updates its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020. The updates apply to question D1 (depreciation) and H1 (State-back loan called PGE).
- Detailed document
- Summary
- Implementation examples for question D1

Regulation n° 2021-03

07 juin 2021

Regulation N° 2021-03 of 4 June 2021 amending the ANC regulation N°2016-02 relating to the annual financial statements of securitisation entities
ANC’s Board reintroduced in Regulation ANC n°2016-02, the provisions about the accounting treatment of borrowing and lending securities. These provisions, to which the regulation previously referred, were mentioned in monetary and financial code from which they had been repealed as of 30 December 2020
Regulation and related commentaries

REGULATION n° 2021-02

07 juin 2021

Regulation N° 2021-02 of 4 June 2021 amending the ANC regulation N° 2018-06 relating to the annual financial statements of private-law non-for-profit entities
ANC’s Board reintroduced in Regulation n°2018-06, the accounting provisions applicable to group insurance contract underwriting associations and to associations called  popular retirement savings group (called GERP in French for groupement d’épargne retraite populaire). These provisions were previously mentioned in regulation CRC n°2004-12 repealed by regulation N° 2018-06
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2021-01

17 mai 2021

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n°2021-01 of 7 May 2021 relating to the annual accounts of agricultural cooperatives and their unions
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2020-11

22 décembre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n°2020-11 of 22 December 2020 amending ANC Regulation n°2015-11 relating to the annual financial statements of insurance companies concerning the accounting treatment of the contribution introduced by Articles 3 and 13 of the LFSS 2021 and the discount rates for non-life transactions premiums.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2020-10

22 décembre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n°2020-10 of December 22, 2020 amending ANC Regulation n°2014-07 relating to the accounts of banking sector companies for securities lending / borrowing and regulated savings.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2020-08

07 décembre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2020-08 of 4 December 2020 amending ANC Regulation N° 2018-06 related to the annual accounts of private-law non-for-profit entities.

Regulation N° 2020-07

07 décembre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2020-07 of 4 December 2020 relating to the financial statements of mutual funds.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation N° 2020-06

12 octobre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N ° 2020-06 of 9 October 2020 amending CRC regulation N° 1999-02 relating to consolidated accounts.

Regulation N° 2020-05

12 octobre 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2020-05 of  24 July 2020 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation is about accounting rules for services related to digital assets.
Regulation and related commentaries

ANC issues its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the financial statements of credit institutions for periods opening from 1 January 2020

24 juillet 2020

ANC issues its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the financial statements of credit institutions for periods opening from 1 January 2020
- Detailed document

Regulation N ° 2020-04

23 juillet 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N ° 2020-04 of 3 July 2020 relating to annual accounts of agricultural holding

Regulation N° 2020-03

22 juillet 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2020-03 of 3 July 2020 amending ANC Regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation relates to accounting rules for agricultural activity

Regulation N° 2020-02

21 juillet 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N° 2020-02 of 05 June 2020 amending ANC Regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts concerning the notes published by medium-sized undertakings

ANC issues its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020

18 mai 2020

ANC issues its recommendations and observations relating to the consequences of the Covid-19 event in the annual and interim financial statements established as of 1 January 2020
- Detailed document
- Summary

Regulation N ° 2020-01

06 mars 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation N ° 2020-01 of March 6, 2020 relating to consolidated accounts
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2019-09

22 janvier 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-09 of 18 December 2019 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to training costs
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2019-08

22 janvier 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-08 of 6 December 2019 relating to the companies etablishment of annual accounts when transferring a in the case of a transfer of registered office to France from a foreign country

Regulation n° 2019-07

22 janvier 2020

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-07 of 6 December 2019 amending ANC regulation N° 2015-11 of  26 November 2015 relating to the annual accounts of insurance companies

Regulation n° 2019-06

09 novembre 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-06 of 8 November 2019 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts on mergers and demergers without a share exchange
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2019-05

09 novembre 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-05 of 8 November 2019 relating to the annual accounts of the fund dedicated to the holding of the capital of a company (called « fonds de pérennité »)

Regulation n° 2019-04

08 novembre 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-04 of 8 November 2019 on social and medico-social activities carried out by private-law non-for-profit entities.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2019-03

25 juillet 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-03 of 5 July 2019 on approved organisations for the funding of the vocational training.
Regulation and related commentaries

Regulation n° 2019-02

14 juin 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-02 of  7 June 2019 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation, which is pending ratification, relates to the financial statements of medium-size undertakings

Regulation n° 2019-01

25 mars 2019

ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2019-01 of  08 February 2019 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation, which is pending ratification, relates to accounting rules for agricultural activity.
Regulation and related commentaries
Information note

  • YEAR 2019
  • YEAR 2018
  • Regulation n° 2018-08

    19 décembre 2018

    Regulation n° 2018-08

    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2018-08 of 11 December 2018 amending ANC regulation N° 2015-11 of 26 November 2015 relating to the annual accounts of insurance undertakings

    Regulation n° 2018-07

    11 décembre 2018

    Regulation n° 2018-07

    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2018-07 of  10 December 2018 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation relates to accounting rules for initial coin offering (ICO) and tokens.
    Regulation and related commentaries

    Regulation n° 2018-06

    11 décembre 2018

    Regulation n° 2018-06

    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2018-06 of 5 December 2018 about the annual accounts of private-law non-for-profit entities.

    Regulation n° 2018-02

    12 juillet 2018

    Regulation n° 2018-02

    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2018-02 of  6 July 2018 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation relates to withholding tax for employees’ earned income.
    Information note

    Regulation n° 2018-01

    25 juin 2018

    Regulation n° 2018-01

    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2018-01 of  20 April 2018 amending ANC regulation N° 2014-03 relating to the general plan of accounts. This regulation relates to changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and corrections of errors.
    Information note

  • YEAR 2016
  • 2016-04

    21 juillet 2016


    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2016-04 related to the "sociétés de libre partenariat " (SLP).


    20 avril 2016


    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2016-03 related to the accounting of framework of real estate investment company, under civil law (SCPI) open end investments undertakings. This regulation will enter into force on 1st January 2017.


    20 avril 2016


    ANC’s Board adopted Regulation n° 2016-02 related to the accounting of framework of securitisation vehicule. This regulation will enter into force on 1st January 2017.